Profile: resume, writing, projects, publications

Contact: twitter, email, linkedin, github

Wrote something about my values and what I am looking for next!

Currently, I am building Pinecone, my team is Database.

Before Pinecone, I was in Graph Storage team at Twitter, which comes under Platform -> Real Time Storage. Almost all the data on Twitter is Graph data (who follows whom, who mutes whom, who likes what, etc.).

Previously, I worked at RedHat, Boston University, Atlan, Wingify, University of Manchester, University of Liverpool, Commutatus, and LeagueSX.

I graduated from Boston University(2021) in Master's of Science in Computer Science, from VIT (2018) in Bachelor's of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.

Currently living in NYC via SEA<-BOS<-DEL<-LPL<-MAA<-LKO<-LMP.

I like to read and write every now and then. Need a daily dose of music. Need soccer (Visca el Barça, #GGMU), cricket, working-out, meditation, and long-walks for survival. Always down for a good conversation.